Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday Thingers

Today's Question: What's the most popular book in your library? Have you read it? What did you think? How many users have it? What's the most popular book you don't have? How does a book's popularity figure into your decisions about what to read?

Answer: The most popular book in my library is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I read it a few years ago and really enjoyed it. 23, 314 other LTers have it in their library. The most popular book(s) I don't have are the Harry Potter books. I don't think a book's popularity figures into my decision to read which books at all.

1 comment:

Literary Feline said...

Popularity sometimes does play a role in getting my attention, but it's not the reason I read a particular book. For that privilege, the book must interest me in the first place.